Riesenhuber Weizsacker Ganten

"Let's do it together!"

Detlev Ganten, Founding Director of the MDC

He was there right from the start: Detlev Ganten played a decisive role in establishing the MDC and putting the former Academy of Sciences of the German Democratic Republic in the past. A review of a difficult time full of challenges - for the founding director and people from East and West.

As founding director of the MDC, Professor Detlev Ganten was particularly committed to translating basic research into clinical application, promoting technology transfer and the commercial use of scientific results. Under his aegis, a research and biotechnology campus was established in Berlin-Buch, which developed into one of the most important science locations in Germany - with the MDC at its heart. Ganten headed the MDC for ten years until he was appointed head of the board of the Charité Berlin in 2004. 


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