Tobias Pischon and NAKO's 10,000th participant, Marcel Köppchen

First “wave” of the German National Cohort is completed

In late April, the Berlin-North study center at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) welcomed its 10,000th subject in the GNC health study. This completes the first round of baseline examinations.

A total of 200,000 people are participating in the health study throughout Germany. They are undergoing comprehensive examinations, with follow-up assessments being done over the next 20 to 30 years. The large-scale study aims to improve the prevention, early detection, and treatment of major chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and dementia.  

Tobias Pischon (3.v.l.) and NAKO's 10,000th participant, Marcel Köppchen (4.v.l.)

“This is a big day for us. I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to all the participants for their willingness to take part in our study, thus significantly contributing to research into the causes of chronic diseases at the population level,” said Professor Tobias Pischon, head of the study center and a member of the board of directors of the German National Cohort (GNC) Association, which is conducting the study. On behalf of the Association, Pischon thanked the 10,000th participant, Marcel Köppchen from Berlin-Wandlitz, and presented him with a bouquet of flowers. “I am very pleased with how nice and smoothly everything has gone since we examined the first subject for the GNC in 2014 – this is thanks to our on-site study team, who has done outstanding work,” added Pischon.  
The results of the multi-hour baseline examination of Marcel Köppchen will – just like those of all subjects – be fed into Germany’s largest population study.  
In addition to the baseline examinations, the Berlin-North study center is also performing 6,000 MRI examinations as part of the GNC. The follow-up examinations in the GNC health study will get underway at the MDC in early May.  

Further information

Interview with Prof. Tobias Pischon: “Our goal is personalized prevention”